Learn the Healing Arts

  • Are you looking to bring healing into your life or the lives of your loved ones?

  • Do you want to add a new modality to your healing practice?

  • Have you always felt like a healer and want to explore what that means to you?

You are in the right place.

Krista not only brings her knowledge and wisdom to each class she teaches,

but she will also teach you the tips and tools she's learned along the way

helping you to tap into and awaken your own intuitive healing gifts.


Online Courses Available for Download

Courses include Home Cleansing and Sacred Spaces

The Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is an inner journey of healing and transformation. We will journey with the energy of the four directions to remember our true identities and awaken to our destinies. It is a journey with no beginning and no ending as we continue on the spiral of enlightenment. It is a journey which leads us into our hearts and calls for great courage. We will examine our stories, beliefs, patterns and conditioning which, when woven together, create out tapestry of life. We will become conscious of these things as we awaken and identify those which no longer support us or bring us joy. We will heal our wounds, release that which does not serve us, step into our true authentic selves and become whole again. As we step closer to our authentic selves, we will naturally perceive other realms of love and light and connect with those Spirits and guides which will help us along our journey around the Medicine Wheel. During this training you will receive powerful energy transmissions that are known as the Munay-Ki Rites which re-informs and activate our DNA and our luminous energy field (our light body). As our own luminous energy field frequency rises in vibration we become more open to see, hear, and perceive wisdom from Spirit that are direct divinations to you.


Reiki is a gentle hands-on healing technique utilizing Spiritually guided life-force energy to awaken your body's own innate ability to heal. Reiki has it's origins in Japan. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy” Reiki is the energy or Life-force that flows through all things and is all around us. When your Ki or energy is blocked or not flowing freely, you can feel fatigued, depressed, anxiety or develop physical symptoms. Having a session with a Reiki Practitioner can help you to release those blocks and increase your energy flow. In a reiki session, the energy is guided Spiritually and with intention for your greatest good. Reiki is not, however, affiliated with any religious practice, belief or suggestion. I teach Reiki Level 1 & 2 and Master Teacher Level. If you do not see a class listed on the calendar, contact me for information on the next class.

Reiki I, II & Master Teacher

Chakras & Body Work

Empath: A Five Part Series

Your Psychic Senses NEW!

Shadow Workshop NEW!

Soul Retrieval Workshop NEW!

Mediumship 101 NEW!

Mediumship Demonstration NEW!

Introduction to Tarot NEW!

Perfecting the Pendulum

Spiritual Hygiene NEW!

Home / Space Cleansing & Blessing

Advanced Healer Training

Shamanic Journey Circle

Intuitive Awareness Group

Mediumship Circle NEW!

Oracle Cards Reading Group

Classes & Groups

We offer a variety of classes to give you the additional understanding, tools and techniques you need to develop you own healing practice.

Here is a list of some of the classes we offer: